I remember playing video games with my children and with each level we conquered, we received increased tokens, greater power and weaponry (depending on the game) and more lives. It was always exciting to "level up" because you knew your reward would be awesome. However, you also understood that each level higher brought more elevated challenges with it.
This holds true with our lives in Christ. Whenever we "level up", God blesses us with "tokens" by enlarging our territories and providing us with the spoils of war. He gives us greater power by way of drawing us closer to Him because He is our strong tower. He provides us with more weaponry when we get more revelation of His word and how to apply it to our situations. But one of the greatest revelations I received in this is how He gives us "more lives". I don't mean we have 9 lives like the myth with cats. I mean He places more people in our lives to shepherd. Whether it be by example, through our words or our deeds, God will give us more people to lead.
The other part that we often quote is "new levels new devils". As He elevates us, He equips us for greater challenges. He gives us greater responsibility which brings about more criticism, more attacks. The more confident He is in us, the more likely He is to say to the enemy "have you tried my servant (insert your name here)." It's not because He is angry with us - quite the contrary. He offers us up because He knows our Christian walk. He knows our level of faith. He knows we will not faulter even under extreme circumstances.
So the next time you play your favorite video game with your friends or children, remember it as a ministry opportunity. Each level you conquer puts you in position to elevate. The higher you "level up", the more challenging things will become BUT you are well equipped with everything you need in every situation you face.